
Clinical Services

Urologist & Andrology Laboratory located in Great Neck, NY

Low-intensity extracorporeal acoustic shockwave therapy (LiST) is a treatment that has been in use since 2010 and has become commonly used Internationally and in the United States since 2015. The device applies a low-intensity acoustic shockwave to the skin surface using an ultrasound gel as the coupling agent. LiST has been FDA cleared for connective tissue activation due to improved blood flow, pain amelioration, wound healing and is considered a device with a non-significant risk to humans. 

Specializing in Reproductive Medicine, Non-Invasive Options for Sexual Dysfunction and Male Fertility Preservation

The practice specializes in male reproductive and sexual medicine. We offer a comprehensive evaluation and treatment program including diagnostic and therapeutic options. Our goal is to offer the treatment approach that is best for each patient. On-site is a New York State licensed Andrology laboratory and Sperm Bank.

Urologic Ultrasound

Urologic ultrasound is often a required part of the evaluation of the Urologic patient presenting with concerns regarding infertility or sexual dysfunction as well as a wide range of urologic conditions. Office ultrasound is performed by Dr. Gilbert who is an internationally recognized expert in urologic ultrasound.