The Men’s Fertility Laboratory is a New York State licensed referral laboratory and is located in our office. We provide comprehensive services with reports usually faxed back within hours.
Our testing menu includes:
Complete semen analysis: concentration, count, motility, morphology (WHO and “strict criteria”)
biochemical studies (e.g., fructose, peroxidase)
sperm antibody studies (both MAR and immunobead)
post ejaculate urine evaluation (with quantification of retrograde ejaculation)
semen processing for IUI
hormonal evaluation of both men and women
New York Cryo is a New York State licensed. We store male and female reproductive tissue in addition to embryos.
Sperm cryopreservation (sperm collection, processing for storage and sperm storage) is done for patients with male infertility or patients undergoing radiation, chemotherapy or other cancer treatments as well as for directed donors. New York State identifies three types of men storing reproductive tissue. The first is a Client Depositor who is defined as men who are storing reproductive tissue for use with a sexually intimate partner. The second is an Directed Donor who is a man storing sperm for use by a known recipient that he is not sexually intimate with. The usual recipient is usually either a woman without a male partner who would like to have a child with sperm from an individual they know or a women who is in a relationship with a male partner who is not able to produce sperm. The third is an Anonymous Donor. The Anonymous Donor is a donor unknown to the women. Both Anonymous and Directed donors are required to undergo comprehensive testing by a reproductive tissue bank licensed to evaluate, process and store sperm from these donors. New York Cryo is licensed as a comprehensive reproductive tissue bank for all three types of donors however only provides services for Client Depositors and Directed Donors.
Our andrology laboratory performs semen analysis, sperm processing for IUI (intrauterine insemination) or to be used for IVF (in vitro fertilization) with ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection). We can also process and store reproductive tissue from MESA (microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration) and TESE (testicular sperm retrieval).
Our strict standards require a medical history, a physical examination and specific blood studies for specimen processing and storage done at our facility.
We evaluate each semen specimen for quality and to insure the absence of infection. This evaluation called a semen analysis, also allows the Laboratory Director to define the best processing and freezing technique to be used to insure optimum survival of the specimen.
One important factor that is unique about our facility is that our laboratory only processes a single specimen at a time using only certified disposable supplies. In addition, each specimen is processed with quality control checks at each step. This is crucial to assure optimum quality and identity of the stored specimen.
We also offer storage of female reproductive tissue (oocytes also know as eggs) and embryos collected and processed at other licensed facilities. For donors who have undergone the testing required for donation these reproductive tissues can be used for a directed (known) recipient and in special instances anonymous recipients. We also provide our clients several non-destructive options for their reproductive tissue when this tissue is no longer needed by the client.
Our facility also has the most advanced security systems available with 24/7 on-site and remote monitoring of all physical and environmental systems with multiple backups providing optimal security for storage of your specimens.
For additional information on sperm banking or sperm freezing please call us toll free at:
877-7NYCryo (877-769-2796) or e-mail at