The testis biopsy involves excision of a small piece of testicular tissue for microscopic evaluation. This is usually performed to determine whether the testis is capable of producing sperm.
1. For any elective surgery you should be in the best of health. It is important to let my office know if you have any other health problems which might necessitate consultation with an internist prior to your surgery.
2. Avoid aspirin and aspirin products for a week before your surgery.
1. You will normally be operated on as an out-patient at an Ambulatory Surgical Center. The week before surgery you will be asked to report to the Ambulatory Surgical Center at which time a medical history, complete examination and necessary laboratory tests will be performed.
2. On the day of your surgery, you will be asked to report to the Ambulatory Surgical Center at least one hour before surgery and must be accompanied by someone capable of driving you home. You will not have eaten nor drunk anything since dinner the night before. I will meet with you during the hour prior to surgery to examine you and answer any questions.
3. Your testis biopsy will take 15 to 30 minutes. The procedure is performed under either a general or a spinal anesthetic, both of which are extremely safe and effective.
4. You will remain in the recovery room for a minimum of one hour and as long as you need until you feel comfortably alert for travel.
1. A small amount of bright red blood is to be expected. DO NOT be alarmed if you feel that the amount is excessive–call my office.
2. At the time of discharge from the Ambulatory Surgical Center you will have been given prescriptions for pain medication and, occasionally, antibiotics. When taking pain medication, be careful as you walk or climb stairs. Dizziness is not unusual.
3. Do not drive the first day after the surgery, but you can ride in a car if someone else is driving.
4. You may shower 48 hours after the surgery. Keep the dressing dry until then.
5. Swelling and black and blue are normal.
6. If your job involves only desk work and very light activity, you may return 2 or 3 days after the surgery. It is likely that you will have some discomfort for the first few days after surgery.
7. No heavy work or sports are allowed for 1 week post-operatively.
8. No sexual intercourse is allowed for 1 week post-operatively.
9. You will need to wear an athletic supporter (jock strap) for 1 week post-operatively.
10. You may resume normal activities as you feel up to it.
11. There are no stitches that need to be removed.
If you have any questions after your surgery, please call the office (516-487-2700). Your results will be available 1 week after the biopsy.
If you would like more information please contact:
Bruce R.Gilbert, M.D., Ph.D. at 516-487-2700 or